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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Dishonorable Ben


These clowns who are nominally running the DNC just don't get it, do they? Ben Affleck as a Senator from Virginia?! That would undoubtedly be the penultimate political irony: the quintessential modern, leftist, federalist Nobody holding a Senate seat in the State which single-handedly created the States' rights movement and held out for the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America... Robert E. Lee would spin in his grave.

Yes, that Robert E. Lee. The one who led the military revolt during the Tenth Amendment War, (some less-informed (read: poorly educated) members of the modern American populace know it as the American Civil War). Contrary to what you may have been taught, the aforementioned war started over States' rights; slavery didn't become an issue until Lincoln needed private funding to continue the fight--which he was losing horribly. Never forget that Lincoln was a slave owner.

Think I'm full of it? Then do a Google search for "George Santayana history" and see what floats to the top.

Senator Ben Affleck. The very thought turns my stomach.


Blogger The Mad Builder of Periwinkle said...

Yikes!! Now the spammers are spamming BLOG comments?!?

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Yes, it's been going on for a while. I've been deleting the spam messages when I catch them, but I've got better ways to spend my time than hunting and killing spam. Consequently, I've had to turn off anonymous commentary until further notice.

Anyone who previously commented anonymously will now have to register in order to post. If this inconveniences anyone, I apologize. But don't get mad at me; kill a low-life, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking spammer. (Oh, that was uncalled-for, wasn't it? Sorry. My deepest apologies to all bottom-dwellers.)

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Fine by me. I'm onboard with the "stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed" idea, as well. In fact, I'd even push it a bit and change "breed" to "breathe," but people start painting swastikas on my forehead when I say such things, so I've (almost) learned to keep my teeth together about it.


In the end, it matters not what I think; Darwin will rule the day. If we continue to meddle with and obstruct the natural selection process, (of which humans are a part, just as surely as bears and lions and (oh, my) tigers), then nature will eventually correct for it. Letting stupid people breed and vote is a sort of reverse form of self-inflicted Social Darwinism. Lunatics running the nuthouse, and all that.

Just let me make it to retirement, is all I ask. I can string up concertina wire and sit on the front porch with a rifle and a couple large dogs. Nothing like a trespasser's head spitted on a pike by the mailbox to keep the neighbor's kids in their own damned pasture.

Blogger Fundy said...

Wonder how ole Ben will explain his gambling habit to the voters? Oh wait, I know, those are the same people that are using the lottery program as possible funding for their retirement.


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