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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I'll Have A Gyro, Stewardess

Two airliners got a little too close while flying over the Atlantic. Seems one pilot wanted to take a picture of the other, but had the wrong plane. At any rate, they got within about 1000m of each other, proximity alerts went off, and the two pilots separated appropriately.

End of non-incident.

But here's what the airline's PR rep (both planes are owned by the same company) had to say about it:

The British airline called its pilot...a "hero" for his action in taking rapid evasive measures.

Oh, puh-LEEZ. He made a gentle climb away--exactly as the proximity alert system told him to do. This sort of thing happens every day at major air hubs. There's always some clueless private pilot wandering off altitude. The two planes in this "incident" were in about as much danger of crashing into each other as I am from a sudden, unexpected attack by a swarm of killer giant slugs while sitting here in my office.

"Hero," is he? I guess I'm a hero, too; I opened the door for a co-worker this morning. Let's not cheapen the meaning of words by applying them frivolously.


Blogger Fundy said...

Incase you have not noticed it is a little late to try save the word "hero" from being high jacked by those how think that if you wipe your own ass you are a hero. Ever hear of Higley Town Hero’s? It is on the Disney playhouse channel, and to make it short, even the pizza delivery guy is an f*&^king hero for delivering pizzas in Higley town!

So needless to say if parents allow their kids to be brainwashed by the boob tube then the word hero will continue on it downward spiral and apply to everyone for everything. And yes Jeff you are now an official hero for opening a door for your co worker. So feel proud you are just like everyone else now. :-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fundy your my hero :)


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