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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

U.N.-fit for Existence XIII

If the political machinations within the United Nations become any more transparent, even a small child will be able to recognize them. It's almost to the point where one feels embarrassed for them. Almost.

Volcker's Independent Inquiry Committee came under criticism recently when two investigators resigned, saying the group's second interim report was too soft on Annan.

The report found no evidence Annan steered a lucrative oil-for-food contract to a Swiss company that employed his son, Kojo. But it criticized Annan for lax oversight.

Annan accepted the criticism but said the report cleared him of personal wrongdoing.

"I thought we criticized him rather severely, I would not call that an exoneration," Volcker said, repeating previous statements.

Oh, you see? They "criticized him rather severely." Well, now I feel much better about the whole thing. I'm glad Mr. Annan got that well-deserved tongue-lashing. After all, embezzlement, international extortion, and complicity in mass manslaughter are pretty serious charges. Let this be a lesson to you! Do it again and we'll... we'll... call you mean names!

Please just go away. You idiots are actually beginning to make the League of Nations appear competent and effective by comparison.


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