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Monday, March 21, 2005

Criminally Profitable

The article reads like satire, but is frighteningly factual--and an all-too-common example of what passes for justice in England these days.

When readers have trouble differentiating between satirical attacks and factual reports about your "justice" system, you've got a serious problem. I don't think the British government really comprehends just how closely they are flirting with a violent revolution. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson on that count.

On the bright side, they've once again proven that noblesse oblige is an utterly stupid and non-functional concept. Oh, it serves the politically powerful and hereditarily privileged quite well, but the core concept behind it is about as useful to the average working man as their so-called justice system. Not incidentlly, it's also precisely why no American citizen can ever hold a title of nobility.


Blogger Fundy said...

With the run away activist judges in the US this does not bode well for the defendants in this case. (http://www.local6.com/money/4239256/detail.html). Now this gives the dipshit judge a precedence to use in his/her judgment for the idiots on this side of the pond.

Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

Holy crap. I don't think I could ever be stupid enough to jump over an 80 foot drop. Maybe advanced science can find a way to repair the brain damage that must have been done at an earlier age. We can always hope.


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