The Bad Idea Archive

The team of engineers who developed this idea had obviously never spent more than five minutes around real grunts. A platoon of infantry with these WhirlyCav Death Machines would have produced mayhem and chaos on a scale that is quite simply unimaginable to civilians. But it would have been glorious...
"Hey, Fundy! I hear these things have instant safety stops on the rotors. You know, for when your dumb ass falls off."
"Yeah? Well, go grab one o' those stray cats around the barracks. We'll toss 'im in and see what happens."
...10 minutes later...
"Well, that made a fuckin' mess, didn'it?"
"Hrm. On the upside, they did stop. Kinda bent, though. Hand me that e-tool, will ya? I can fix this shit..."
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