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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Millennial Malaise

Slackers on parade:

Not only do Gen Y Americans lag far behind their overseas peers by every measure, but they even score lower than other age groups of Americans.

Take literacy, for instance. American Millennials scored lower than their counterparts in every country that participated except Spain and Italy. (Japan is No. 1.) In numeracy, meaning the ability to apply basic math to everyday situations, Gen Yers in the U.S. ranked dead last.

Okay, but what about making smart use of technology, where Millennials are said to shine? Again, America scored at the bottom of the heap, in a four-way tie for last place with the Slovak Republic, Ireland, and Poland.

How did this happen? How did we go from overwhelming superpower to sniveling cunts in little more than the span of a generation? Easy answer: Democrats. They've ruined our school systems with their constant meddling. The graduates have no critical thinking skills and cry for "safe spaces" every time someone "triggers" them by saying anything they don't like. But hey, they have huge egos! That's because they've been told from the day they were born that they were special and could be anything they wanted to be -- and that's a stinkin' load of bullshit if ever there was one.

The Millennials were sold a bill of goods. The one thing they were never taught is the one thing they most needed to hear: you have to work hard to get what you want. You have to take life by the throat, beat its head against the wall a few times and threaten to disembowel the fucker, otherwise it will run roughshod over you. That is real life; anything else is childish fantasy. But now we're saddled with an entire generation who can't spell or apply mathematics and quiver in fear at the mention of any word they don't like to hear but who think they deserve a six-figure salary for holding a bachelor's degree in interracial lesbian basketweaving.

The destruction of the public school system through ever-increasing governmental control has combined with the blinkered idea that everyone has to go to college to create a generation who are incapable of pulling their own weight. This is not an unanticipated outcome. Rather, it's exactly what the leftists want: a lack of independence coupled with low initiative and absolute trust in the state. The Millennials aren't an accident; quite the opposite.

Can it be fixed? Well, sort of. More and more people will send their kids to private schools. As with all of their social engineering nonsense, this will have exactly the opposite effect desired by the rank-and-file progtards. The result will be an ever-increasing gap between the haves and have-nots: either mommy and daddy can afford a private school where you'll be hit with a ruler when you talk about playing video games for a living or you'll end up in the public school system and become a government drone with an inflated sense of your own worth -- if you're lucky. America will descend into a socialist hell similar to modern-day Europe while the Chinese, Japs and Koreans ride the rising tide of Asian capitalism to rule the world. I wish them good fortune.

Good job, leftoids. Everything you touch turns to turds. Perhaps one day the human race will wake up and realize, once and for all, that socialism, enforced equality and big government nannyism are antithetical to human dignity. Maybe, but I doubt it.

Hat-tip to Mad Builder


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