Results of the recent Derogatory and Prejudiced Language Survey:

Fellow Texans, I must say that am appalled. Just look at those results and think on what it says about our culture. We are the SECOND fucking loser!
I can reluctantly accept losing to Louisiana; those coon-asses are very talented cussers. But Nevada? Fucking NEVADA?! And Maryland is closing in on us! Maryland has more ass-munch metrosexual buttsniffers per square yard than anyplace outside of San Fagcisco. You buncha donkey-raping douchenozzles need to get your goddamned shit together, because third cocksuckin' place ain't gonna cut it. Have some motherfuckin' pride, ya slacker twats. Keep falling behind and the world will start to think we're a bunch of limp-wristed fudge packers sipping on fucking double-mint triple lattes and talking about performance art or some other retarded hippie turd-flinging nonsense.
Pathetic, I tell you...

Fellow Texans, I must say that am appalled. Just look at those results and think on what it says about our culture. We are the SECOND fucking loser!
I can reluctantly accept losing to Louisiana; those coon-asses are very talented cussers. But Nevada? Fucking NEVADA?! And Maryland is closing in on us! Maryland has more ass-munch metrosexual buttsniffers per square yard than anyplace outside of San Fagcisco. You buncha donkey-raping douchenozzles need to get your goddamned shit together, because third cocksuckin' place ain't gonna cut it. Have some motherfuckin' pride, ya slacker twats. Keep falling behind and the world will start to think we're a bunch of limp-wristed fudge packers sipping on fucking double-mint triple lattes and talking about performance art or some other retarded hippie turd-flinging nonsense.
Pathetic, I tell you...
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