Cold War Redux

I've stated on many occasions that I don't trust Russians and I don't trust Putin in particular. Now we see the fruits of his campaign to paint himself as a likeable statesman: aggression and conquest. The Olympics dog-and-pony show accomplished exactly what he wanted it to accomplish: it got the blinkered idiots in the American media all weepy about the "plight" of Russia and helping Putin pine for the old Soviet bloc. When you combine that very calculated PR move with the present mental vacuum in the White House and State Department, he has the perfect political climate in which to start building his "Eurasian Union" -- which is nothing more or less than an attempt to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
What should the U.S. be doing right now? Reinforcing alliances with NATO and the Israelis. But Dumbo has spend the last five years progressively (pun intended) destroying those relationships and snubbing his elitist nose at our traditional allies. This is the reward he gets; renewed Russian aggression and a return of the Cold War.
Good job, Obama... YOU INCOMPETENT ASS. And good job as well to the fawning media, the credulous Left, and last but certainly not least, the right-wing religious nutballs who refused to vote for Romney because he's a Mormon and thereby gifted the worst President in American history another term. That is four years which a saavy, real politik player like Putin now intends to exploit to the fullest.
If we're very, very lucky, this will not boil over into World War III. But with the Chinese rattling their saber at Japan, Iran building nukes, and North Korea firmly in the grasp of loons, I wouldn't bet on it.
Let's see, held olympics, then Invaded, I mean re-patraited land that was "historically" Russian. The West cries fowl, yet does nothing. I can't wait for Kerry to come back from meetings shouting he has achieved "Peace in our Time!" Peace awards and accolades thrown about, while our army is disbanded and shrunk.
Last time this tune was played it had a little more oompah and ledehosen to go with it. It's a good thing the Jewish people have an ally in our President or they might be in real trouble this time...oh wait.
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