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Thursday, September 20, 2007

How to Destroy a Culture

Evil by association:

Two students in northern New Jersey can wear buttons featuring a picture of Hitler youth to protest a school uniform policy, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Joseph A. Greenaway Jr. sided with the parents of the students, who had been threatened with suspension last fall for wearing the buttons. However, the judge added in his ruling that the boys will not be allowed to distribute the buttons at school.

Citing a 1969 case in Iowa involving students who wore black arm bands to protest the Vietnam War, Greenaway wrote that "a student may not be punished for merely expressing views unless the school has reason to believe that the speech or expression will 'materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the school.'"

Agree or disagree, it's a federal ruling. The courts say their actions are protected as free speech, so that's the way it is. I really couldn't care less about it, since it's just another of the tempest-in-a-teapot "scandals" for which America has always been famous. And in the end, it's just teenagers being... well, teenagers. They'll get over it, and eventually they'll realize that they will most likely be wearing some type of "uniform" for the rest of their lives if they want to hold down a job.

No, what really stole my goat was the final sentence in the article:

District lawyers asserted that the image of the Hitler youth was abhorrent because it conveyed intolerance and racial inequality represented by Nazism.

So it's not the fact that the Nazis started a war which ultimately claimed the lives of nearly fifty million people. It's not the fact that they burned, gassed and tortured to death six million people in death camps. It's not the fact that their ultimate goal was to enslave everyone in the world under a repressive, fascist government.

No, apparently all those horrific deeds and intents pale in comparison to "intolerance and racial inequality."

It is the shame of our country that the Civil Rights movement has turned into a parade of historically and culturally illiterate halfwits, all dressed in expensive suits and playing a grandiose game of charades in the courtrooms and on the nightly news. They've successfully turned a common (though regrettable) character flaw like racism into a heinous crime of the lowest type; an emotion of pure, chaotic evil, possessed only of demons, devils and middle-income Caucasian males; a reason for instant social ostracization and character assassination.

So remember that if you ever have a bad thought about someone, however fleeting, because of their skin color or beliefs, you are evil. You may as well be wearing a Totenkopf insignia and firing up the ovens with your own hands.


Blogger Fundy said...

Since I know I have had a bad thought about someone, where do I buy my oven!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

At Mengela's Mega Lo mart. Where he's crazy about slashing prices! 90 days same as cash and with the purchase a full size oven get a FREE toaster oven!


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