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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bug Out!

Beetle hole:

A German mistook a subway entrance for an underground car park and her vehicle got stuck on the stairs, police said on Wednesday.

The 52-year-old drove her Volkswagen Beetle across the pavement in central Duesseldorf and into the entrance where it ground to a halt about five steps down, police said.

Police estimated the damage at around 1,500 euros (1,000 pounds) [$2000 in real money].

Have you ever considered how police "estimate" damages?

"Hey, Joe. How much ya think that there thing-a-ma-jig cost?"

Joe removes a partially-consumed donut from his mouth, "'Bout a hunnerd dollars."

"Yah... that'z my thought, too. What about that what-cha-ma-call-it over yonder? How much you figger that's worth?"

"'Bout a hunnerd dollars."

"Yup. Just what I was thinkin', too."

"Uh, Joe...?"

Joe polishes off his third donut of the shift. "Yeah, Fred?"

"How many thing-a-ma-jigs and what-cha-ma-call-its ya figger got damaged here?"

"'Bout a hunnerd."

"Yup. Sounds about right. So... that's, uh..." ::counting on fingers:: "...$300. Right?"

"Sounds right to me, Fred. Guess we oughta file a report. Wanna hit that new Italian restaurant on the way back to the station?"



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