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Wednesday, September 14, 2005


In response to yesterday's story about making fuel from dead cats, the German version of PETA has worked their panties into a knot:

But the president of the German Society for the Protection of Animals, Wolfgang Apel, said using dead cats for fuel was illegal.

Oh, "illegal," is it? Have you ever noticed how anything that lefties don't like is automatically "illegal" or "immoral" or "wrong"?

I'm thinking that if 20 cats will make 11 gallons, then I should be able to fill up my car, my bike, and my lawnmower with the fuel I can make from one hippie.

The population of San Francisco alone could run every car in Houston for months. And it's environmentally sound! Voila! We've solved the gas crisis. All hippies will report immediately to your nearest refinery for recycling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re-cycling old hippies is going to stink mad dirty-foot. Let’s keep that refinery in San Fran and just pipe-line the gas in.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is it with those wakos? They bitch about gas prices and the dependency on foreign supplies but don’t want us to drill for more oil. They agresivly stop any energy plan the government tries to pass, and then complain about “Rolling Black Outs”.

Not to mention, no matter what subject matter they talk about every other sentence is “Bush is EVIL!” I’m listing to NPR the other day. They where interviewing some kook who claims we never landed on the moon. The interview guy actually says “With all the lies from this administration I can see how people have doughts.” I’ve heard hippies talk about old nuns who dedicated their entire lives helping prisoners find their way, and yet they still have to get in a “Bush is the Devil” remark. I bet they see Bushes evil beastie little eyes staring at them when they sleep.

I honestly don’t understand their logic.

Blogger The Mad Builder of Periwinkle said...

There is no logic to understand. They're obsessed, angry, hate-filled individuals. So consumed by their single-minded hatered of Bush or Republicans in general that they see their bogieman behind everything bad that happens. No matter what the ill, when you discuss it with these people EVERYTHING eventually has to eventually come back around to being the fault of Bush specifically or Republicans or Conservative views in general. I've long believed that if you go far enough to the extream on the Right or Left of the political spectrum, both sides meet. This sort of thing is just further proof of that concept IMNSHO.


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